
No More Drama

There is nothing like two people having the same adversary to bring them together...

I'm not gonna go into my own personal drama right now...I tend to save the info for the book I'm writing, but what is it with people that can't seem to go a day without seeking some sort of drama?

Really, it's so counterproductive. I guess, they either like it or they simply don't know how to live without it... addicted, like a smoker to cigarettes.

Well, we all have our own little drama we have to deal with but isn't it silly in comparison to what's happening in the world today...unless, you're dealing with some heavy stuff like murder and illness and such, in which case I'm sending you positive vibes. You'll get out of it soon...I hope.

I got some juicy drama to tell you...maybe I'll tell you later.

Sing it Mary J.
