
Taller Buildings, When You're Short

My first memory of ever hearing this song was when I was around 7 or 8 years old while playing video games at a mall arcade. I remember this video coming on and looking up at one of the TVs over head. That TV looked so high as it was close to the ceiling. Funny thing is, the ceiling wasn't really that high, it was me that was short.

Funny how now at 28 years old and 5'10" things don't seem to be so high. Short old ladies ask me to get stuff for them from the top shelf when I'm at the drug store.

5' 10" isn't all that tall when you think about it...maybe that's why when someone tells me they've spotted a celeb on the streets of NY I always ask them "how tall is he/she?"

I saw Cameron Diaz on the street not too long ago and was surprised to see how tall she seemed. I'd say she was about my height with heels on...maybe a little bit taller.

How tall are you?

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