

Negative!!!!! I am one happy person right now.

Today I went back to the doctor to get my blood results and to talk about what's been ailing me and while there might be a few things going on in my body that still need to be tested the doctor told me that not only am I HIV negative but I have no STDs whatsoever! That's always some of the best news one can get.

Sure, there are worst things in life than contracting a sexuality transmited disease, like for example getting a case of elephantitis. I wouldn't want this happening to me, or God forbid this.

Doc took another sample of blood today to check for Anemia and he's also goning to check my white blood count since last time he found a few in my urine.

Now get this. In order for them to check to see if I have kidney stones I have to collect my urine for a full day in this thing. Can you imagine walknig around with piss in your bag all day? Makes me think of Jim Carey peeing in a bottle in the movie Dumb and Dumber. lol

Well, that's all for now. Docs going to run some more test but for now let us all celebrate that I'm one step closer to my old healthy self!

Oh, and get this. My blood type is B+! I need to always remember that when I'm feeling blue. I have to remember to B positive!

Now dance around your bedroom like I was just minutes ago!
