
Lesbian Thumbs Up!

it's official, as of yesterday I've bagged me a boyfriend.
he's super cute, and super sweet, and super talented
I know, he's just like me. lol
yesterday after a wonderful Korean BBQ we were walking down the street holding hands, which I usually detest but with him it feels nice, when a lesbian on roller blades zooms right by us, turns her head and gives us the thumbs up. no joke, she actually raised her arm, made the international thumbs up signal at us right before turning to her lesbian partner roller blading beside her. how did I know they were lesbians? uhm, if you've ever seen lesbians roller blade you know they are no girlie girls. these women skate with a vengeance!

so there it is.
this has all the makings of a spring/summer romance but the quietness, and thoughtfulness seems to suggest this is heading in a much more serious direction.
we are two very progressive open individuals that are traditional where it counts.
I'm curious to see where this romance will take us.
so far we've had two wonderful months together.

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