
Bed Time

Here's the deal, I can tell you a long story or I can simply give you my opinion and then ask you what you think about it.
And by "you" I mean my mother since I believe she is the only person that reads this blog.

It is my belief that if you have a twin size bed you might not be ready for a committed relationship.

What? Where did that come from? Oh, there's a story behind this but it's too long and complicated for a blog.
So, here's my logic.

If you have a twin size bed then you are pretty much saying "I sleep alone."

Two people can have sex on a twin bed but there is no way two adults of average size, not Wizard of Oz "little people," can sleep comfortably on a twin size bed. There is just no way. And that's what people in a relationship do right, they not only have sex but they sleep together. They rest together. A twin bed sends the message of "I'm open to a sexual relationship but I'm not sure about a committed relationship."

What do you think? At what point should a person get rid of their twin size bed? How old does a person have to be to buy a full, queen, or king size bed?

I'm sure my opinion is a product of my time since I remember my grandparents used to sleep in separate twin beds. Those were some weird times.
Married people sleeping in separate beds? WTF? The sad thing about that, sleeping in separate twin beds, is that you can't give your spouse a Dutch Oven.

What do you think? Is your bed for two?

oh, in case you were wondering my bed is a full size with a very very comfortable mattress :-)

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