
Get them Abs!

My leg muscles have been sore for the past two days. I guess the exercise is working.
I don't know if its because of the blood pumping extra fiercely these days because of the forced exercising, but I feel as if my mind is returning to a clearer place.

For brief moments my past actions are starting to make sense.
I'm sure this is what in therapy they call a breakthrough, if I'm so lucky.
I know I'm being extra vague but that's the thing about breakthroughs, they make more sense to the person having them.
The important thing is to feel the breakthrough, that "Ah-ha" moment and ride with it for as long as you can before you forget about it and you start making all sorts of other stupid mistakes.

The beauty, I hope, is that you'll have another "ah-ha" moment in the future and all those stupid actions that you did leading up to that moment will have made sense as well.
After all, isn't that how a healthy mind works?

Going through my computer today, as I work on the book that I've been working on for the past twelve years, I found this picture from Feb 4th, 2007 of myself.

I entitled it "MySpace Nation." I did it to spoof the MySpace picture style that everyone seemed to be doing at the time, hence why I added "lens flare" when the flash didn't go off.
Looking back at it I care less for the artistic intention as I do to get them abs back :-)
