
Crying Over Milk

All my friends are raving about actor Sean Penn's portrayal of Harvey Milk in the movie "Milk." I love movies, but maybe it's the fact that I like to document life whether through video or through photography which attracted me more to the documentary film made of the man Mr Penn played in "Milk." I don't know how I found myself on hulu.com today watching the story of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay man to be elected to office in San Francisco but I do know how my eyes filled up with tears numerous times while watching it.

"The Times Of Harvey Milk" is a must see film. For anyone who simply doesn't "get" what being gay is all about, for those out there that have a gay friend, brother, sister, mother, father, etc... you must watch this movie and share it with friends. And if you don't personally know of any gay people then maybe you should watch it so that you can finally understand why "we" feel the need to parade ourselves down your main street holding flags and throwing streamers everywhere each year.

Help the world understand "our" world. A world not much different in desires and dreams as those of any citizen of this planet who simply want to live in peace with his fellow man, and who simply dream of the day where we can love freely under the law without fearing someone coming along taking away our rights like they did with Prop 8 in late 2008 or having life taken away from us like they did to Harvey back in 1978.

click HERE while link is working.

if link doesn't work I strongly suggest buying the DVD. I know I will be adding it to my collection.
