
The Real Me

Often times I feel I am misunderstood.
Sometimes I feel people want a short answer as to who I am or what I'm all about.
They want a sound bite.
A quick answer like, "I'm a lawyer" or "I'm a doctor."
But I find that when you are an "Artist"
even if you are a "part-time artist"
all labels are tossed out the window,
and folks scramble to figure out how to respond to who they think you are.
Sometimes I feel people think,
that if you are a real artist then you should be serious about life and your work.
How can you be goofy and laugh about things like "farting"?
Or if you do drag then you must be really bitchy and flamboyantly gay all the time!
You most likely explode into a rainbow simply by walking down the street!
Or if you do photography you must walk around with a camera around your neck 24/7 like a Japanese tourist.

Why do you play up this "straight" character when you are singing in your rock band?
Shouldn't you be as flamboyant as when you dress up in Drag?
Are you a poser?
Why can't you just be yourself?

Limits, they all sound like limits to me.

"Aren't you afraid people might not take you seriously?"
To which I say, people will judge no matter what.
You could be a joke to some and an idol to others.
Loved by few and hated by many...or ignored all together.
I can't worry about these things.
I have to keep doing what I do, my art, my photography, my singing, my acting,
those are my most personal ways I know how to give.
That is how I share my thoughts,
my feelings, my all.
That is what brings me great joy.

At the end of the day I would like to be remembered as a person who didn't quite know exactly how to "give" but tried doing so in as many ways as his creativity allowed.

much love,
ps - I just farted.

