
Meet You at The Crossroads

I'm at a crossroad, a fork in the road. Somewhere between the past, present, and future I stand. I'm coming to terms with the realization that I've been living in an illusion. This illusion had convinced me that you can pause life while you figure things out. No such luck buddy. Life keeps going, and you either get on the train or you end up off the train. Why would you want to be on a train instead of a private jet is beyond me? I mean, what kind of train are we talking about? Is it a subway train, or one of those old school steam trains? Regardless of whether you get on a train or a private jet chances are you won't be conducting/flying the darn thing anyway...of course unless you do conduct your on train or fly your own jet...I've actually never met anyone that has or does. I would love to meet that man or woman someday. What would I ask him or her? How about something like: are you aware that it took many hard working people to put together this wonderful machine you are now using to travel great distances?

I wonder if a question like that would put that person at a crossroad.

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