
Chances Are The Homeless Won’t Read This

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(Yesterday) I’m standing on one side of the counter ready to order lunch from the little hard working “Mexican” (I believe he’s Mexican by his accent. It’s like telling an Englishman apart from a New Yorker, you just know) when the most surreal thing happened. I order lemon chicken and some rice - I’m a spic I have to have some rice, of course. Anyway, as I finish ordering “arroz” (rice) I turned to my left and found a pretty well dressed, for the most part “clean” individual who had a big grin on his face as he greeted me with “Hey man, how you doin.” I find this hospitality from a complete stranger unusual in downtown Manhattan where you’re submerged in high power executives with corporate ladders up their asses, or down and out vagabonds asking for spare change with one hand as they hold their crack pipes in the other.

“I’m alright” I respond as I turn to look at the Mexican who is hard at work packing my lunch.
“Listen man” the man to my left continued “Would you be able to buy me a meal? I’m really hungry” he gives me the big puppy dog eyes mixed in with a little smile like a kid asking for candy. I must have given a look of complete disbelief perhaps because I was. This was not the street corner, this was right in front of the counter inside the establishment. This was inches away from the food. The only thing separating this man and food was a thin glass counter.

I don’t know if it’s relevant but I feel I should add that the gentleman was black, probably in his early thirties and by the looks of it pretty able to move around. In short, his body looked well enough in shape that if he would start a fight with the Mexican he would surely kick Paco's little ass. That is if he can catch the Mexican: they sure can run.

“I’m really hungry,” he continued as my mind searched for an appropriate way to handle this situation. Being that I've been living in New York for the past three years I’ve heard all sorts of stories from the homeless asking for either money or food but never inches away from rice and beans when they, the homeless, know you have money in your wallet because you are there to buy food for yourself. It's like going to Old Navy turning to your left and having some dude going "Hey man, I like this jacket could you buy it for me?"

“What do I get out of it?” I replied with a grin on my face. This ought to be good. I’m sure he didn’t expect that. I’m sure he’s used to people blowing him off, telling him to get a job, or simply being called names, but now he’s presented with a business alternative.

His eyes widen and with a big Buckwheat type smile shoulder shrugged and said “A Happy New Year?” He totally lost me there. I grabbed my food and started walking to the register. He asked one more time “So you can help me?” To which I replied, “Nah, I don’t think so.”

I am technically an immigrant in this country. My father and mother are immigrants in this country. At one point growing up we were on food stamps and we even took furniture that people had thrown away and left on the sidewalk and used it as our own in our house. My family although never lived in a shelter has known rough times. My father worked hard, my mother worked hard, and when I moved to New York and was holding two jobs just so that I could cover rent I worked hard. Even the Mexican on the other side of the glass counter works hard every day. This man, a strong man, a fit man, an able man, when asked how he could work for his meal wishes me “A Happy New Year?” What’s wrong with this picture?

After ranting to my coworkers about how ludicrous the whole situation was I told them that I would make a pamphlet to give out to the homeless next time they ask me for food or money. On it will be listed all the soup kitchens in New York City, shelters, plus helpful hints on how to use the government to get themselves on their feet again. I will give them a pamphlet filled with knowledge. They say knowledge is power right?

The fact is no one wants to be homeless, right? At the same time how many of us know anything at all about the homeless? I’m guilty, that’s why I ordered this book . Still I got to thinking and doing some math.

There are roughly 46 seats in a subway car. Over 50 people can fit somewhat comfortably in a subway car with enough room for a beggar to maneuver and give you a speech on how hungry he is and how a bit of spare change can really help him out. Lets say he manages to get $1 out of 50 people, that’s 2 pennies per person. I’ve seen beggars get up to $5 if their story is good and they have some kind of disability.

There are about 10 subway cars per train. That translates to $10 on one train alone at $1 per car. Considering beggars ask for a free subway swipe, meaning someone will pay the $2 fair to ride the train, they can easily walk away with $10 from begging on one subway train which can easily be done in roughly 20-40 minutes time.

Now, I believe that as of January 1, 2006 minimum wage in the state of New York is $6.75. That is before Uncle Sam takes taxes from you. So, let’s put this into perspective. A hard working individual is making less an hour than a beggar on the train.

Don’t get me wrong I’m not advocating begging on the train but...it’s like people hating Wal-Mart. If you hate Wal-Mart so much then stop shopping there. If you hate beggars on the train then stop giving them money and give them something they can really use, a pamphlet!

If you would like to help put this pamphlet together please let me know I could really use your help or maybe some spare change…maybe you could buy me a meal?

Fact is, we all want to help but in the end, you can only help those who are willing to work hard at bettering themselves. So lets work hard to put an end to homelessness. Vote for Pedro!

Update: 1-31-06 9:45am

Oh, BTW, I've already pissed off a homeless dude before 9am today.

As I'm walking down the steps to catch the subway so that I can go to work and make some money, this other dude begs for "money, food any little thing." He was white and looked like he could do a little construction or janitorial duties.

I told him "Nah, sorry."

to which I hear him yelling in an angry voice behind me stuff like


All I could think of was he needs to talk to my mom - no one gives me guilt trips better than she.

Update#2: 1-31-06 6:15pm

Ready for my going home from work story?

I get off the train about 5 minutes ago, and there you have a man with a cane stationed on the steps with a cup. I flew by him so fast he didn't even have time to ask me for some money although I heard him as he got the guy behind me.

"Spare some change?"

I walked a block towards my apartment; keep in mind the subway is only two blocks away, when I see this very pale skinny lady walking towards me. Now she's wearing a summer dress (it's 40 degrees outside), her hands are twitching and she is grinding her jaw as crack addicts do. She looks at me as I look at her walking towards each other on the sidewalk. We intersect, she speaks.

"Excuse me can I ask you a question" she says while twitching all over the place.

I simply say "No" and keep walking with a frustrated smile on my face.

Now kids, lets count how many people ask me for money today.

1 bum before going to work
1 after work and
1 crack head right before reaching my apartment.

That's 3, 3 smelly bums! This could be on Sesame Street!

Now, lets say I gave them each twenty-five cents, that's 75 cents total. Multiply that by 365 days a year, how much money would I be out a year?

Wanna know something funny?

Coalition for the homeless

has a food drop off one block away from my work (where lunch incident occurred) and they have another drop off point two blocks away from my apartment.

I'm starting to think I should swing by and get a free meal tonight at 8pm.